Publisher: ARC INVEST CREDIT, Public Limited Company with capital of 1000 euros, whose registered office is located at 7 Av. des Fruitiers 93210 Saint-Denis , France, registered with the RCS of Bobigny under number B 798 946 976.
ARC INVEST CREDIT is a company subject to the control of the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR) 4 Place de Budapest, CS 92459 , 75436 Paris Cedex 09 and registered with ORIAS (www.orias.fr) under number: 07 028 160 (www.orias.fr). ADEME number: FR200182_01XHWE.
As a member of the French Association of Financial Companies (ASF), ARC INVEST CREDIT is a signatory to the agreement on amicable recovery in consumer credit, concluded with the main consumer organizations. To consult it, click here.
Legal representative: Guillaume VANTHUYNE
Director of Publication: Michel GANZIN
Editor: Benedicte DOURIEZ
Host: Microsoft Amsterdam Data Center: Agriport 601, Middenmeer, Netherlands.
If you encounter difficulties relating to the services provided and the execution of contracts concluded with ARC INVEST CREDIT, we invite you to follow the following procedure:
Contact your ARC advisor INVEST CREDIT:
– from our various digital media: Facebook, Messenger, Chat bot
– on our page Contact us from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
If the response provided by your advisor does not satisfy you and you wish to raise a complaint, contact our consumer service by writing to the following address:
ARC INVEST CREDIT , Customer Relations Center – 7 Av. des Fruitiers93210 Saint-Denis, France
Our services undertake to acknowledge receipt of your request within 10 days and to provide you with a response within 2 months of receipt of the complaint.
If the dispute persists and the responses provided do not meet your expectations, you have the option of contacting an independent mediator, the Mediator of the French Association of Financial Companies by writing to the following address:
Mr. Mediator of the French Association of Financial Companies, 75854 PARIS CEDEX 17 or http://lemediateur.asf-france.com/, this, without prejudice to other avenues of legal action.
The brands, logos, visuals, etc. cited / used on this site are protected by the regulations in force regarding intellectual property. Unless expressly agreed otherwise by ARC INVEST CREDIT, their use and reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited.